Minor updates to both xbBooks and xbFilms. First xbCulture Module pre-Release

xbFilm Package  v0.9.4.1 available for download. Changelog here

xbBooks Package v0.9.4.1 available for download. Changelog here

Recent Culture module v0.1.1 pre-release for evaluation download.

xbFilm Package Release Candidate 1  v0.9.4 available for download.

xbBooks Package Release Candidate 1 v0.9.4 available for download. 

Both of these now require com_xbPeople (included in the package file) to be installed

xbGigs, a new member of the xbCulture family optimised for details of live gigs - music and spoken word performances, first beta due during May.
Various modules for xbCulture components now in development. Details here

xbFilm Package Package pre-Release  v0.5.5 available for download.

xbBooks Package pre-Release  v0.8.5 available for download. 

Final release versions are on target for submission to JED 1st April. These package include a common support component, xbPeople, that facilitates the sharing of people and characters between Books and Films

Work continues on xbGigs, a new member of the xbCulture family optimised for details of live gigs - music and spoken word performances 

xbFilms Release Candidate 4  v0.5.3 available for download and test.

xbBooks Release Candidate 2  v0.7.0 available for download and test. 

Both of these are now packages which include a common support component, xbPeople, that facilitates the sharing of people and characters between Books and Films

In other news work has now started on xbGigs which will be a new member of the xbCulture family optimised for details of live gigs - music and spoken word performances